The Twelfth Day of Christmas; Twelve Drummers drumming

God is revealed to men as the bright morning star atop pine trees on Tabor
As a symbol of hope unfurled
Like a gurgling river of water, cascading down Mount Zion,
Through thickets on high
Where the deers graze and His flock finds comfort.

We believe in the Most High and in His Christ,
In the wake of sin and death He shall rise, and He indeed rose to the men of Sharon and delivered them from their sins. 

We believe the day came 
When Peace innervated The Virgin by the favour that was upon her.
And why shan't these things be?
Did you not hear?
The Spirit of life whispered God into Eve the second time. 

We partake in the fellowship of His suffering, drinking down to the dregs of His sorrow, munching on the pain He shared.
It began on that brave afternoon when He stood before Pilate;
When He rose to the occasion of redemption with an impassioned gaze;
When he bore the whips and wore the thorns,
His body ripped to right our wrongs.
At three, the Triune God was shaken by death, hung on a tree, limp on a ledge.

But we believe, the story was just beginning.
The leanings of Hades was on that of death eternal.
Only if they had known...that right there in hell's tempestous fury was Life Himself—the breaker of storms,
And He would put on such a show, Righteousness was declared first in sheol.
On the third day, just like the vegetations of Creation, He sprang forth to life.
Indeed the years now began to count.

In the gaze of His treasured disciples He ascended into the sky robed in cozy clouds. 
He took His seat once again and for all as the Majestic King, 
The heir of all things,
The Only Begotten of the Father.

In the same vein, time will come when we shall see Him and shall be like Him.
He will descend again on the clouds, touching down on the Mount of Olives
With thunderings and billows of smoke, with fire in his eyes and His sword of judgement in His mouth.

We believe in the Holy Spirit,
The breath of God, and the depth and length thereof.
The Source of all things living
And the Power that begets righteousness.

We believe in the Ecclesia of the saints;
The holy assembly of God's children;
In the breaking of bread and the fellowship in trials and triumph.
We are convinced about the trueness of the teachings of the Apostles, 
The confession of faults one to another,
The correction in love, the vials of intercession we send up for the brethren,
And the death we shall die to, for Him.
And here is a trustworthy saying: If we die with Him, we will also live with Him.

We believe in the potency of the blood shed on the cross of Calvary for the remission of sin.
If we confess our sins, He is still faithful and just to forgive us.

We believe in the impermanence of death for the Christian;
In the resurrection of the mortal body into an undying version of itself;
In the joining of bone to bone, the threading of sinew to sinew, and the cohesion of dust upon dust.
Indeed, a day must come when man puts on God's glory, fully clothed, alive forever.

This Christmas, let us reflect on our core beliefs as Christians.

Merry Christmas from Chaoticlight 🎄🎄🎄


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