The Sixth Day of Christmas

Many people assume that the 'six geese a-laying in the song were laying eggs (laughing out loud, what else were they supposed to lay? Even though the lyrics didn’t specify.) This got me thinking about the significance of eggs at Christmas and why they are used to celebrate Easter.

Did you know that eggs represent a new life?

The hatching of an eggshell by a bird always results in the birth of a living bird, hence the 'New Life'; Only a living bird can hatch its egg with its beak. Meanwhile, many believe the six eggs represent the six days of creation when God took it upon Himself to create everything and every living thing on Earth. It took God six days to create something new, things necessary for our survival. In Genesis 1:31, when God saw everything He had made, He acknowledged that they were all good. I align with those who hold this view.

However, I ask again, is the egg really more than meets the eye?
While we might be celebrating the birth of Jesus and while the geese are laying, more importantly, consider that the egg represents the death and resurrection of Christ, which lies at the heart of Christianity. It symbolises the new life we find in God through Christ. Romans 6:3-4 reminds us through baptism by immersion that we are buried with Christ by baptism, and just as Christ has risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so should we walk in the newness of life.

How do you know if you are living a new life?

According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, if someone is in Christ, they become a new person; the old life is left behind, and everything becomes new. The Bible also says that “by their fruits, you shall know them.”

Now that you understand the symbolism of the eggs laid by the six geese and their connection to both Christmas and Easter, remember that the birth of Christ offers us access to this new life in Christ's resurrection, as stated in John 3:16. So, this Christmas, will you savour a plate of chicken or the eggs laid by those geese? Have you ever tried a goose egg? You might find it enjoyable; it's a gift from your true love on the 6th day of Christmas.

Merry Christmas from Peculiar Gift 🎄🎄🎄


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