The Second Day of Christmas; Two Turtle Doves

Turtle doves symbolize loyalty and fidelity, akin to a covenant between partners. They represent the Old and New Testaments, with covenants fulfilled in the New Testament. The book of Hebrews provides a deeper understanding of the Old Testament sacrifices, the High Priest, and rituals, and the ultimate sacrifice of Christ, who brought an end to repeated sacrifices.

The Old and New Testament make up the Bible and it in we find a solid ground. We find promises to hold dear. We find guidance and help. In the Bible, we read God’s own word.

Talking about pairs, the Bible is the greatest tale of pairs that were meant to be together: God and man. It’s the unyielding love that God has for his creations that always keeps him close to us and wants to do the same. On the other hand, man’s neverending desire for something greater than himself will always lead him to God, a being that has all the answers to the questions he has about the world and most importantly, himself.

The beauty of it all is that God, the first turtle dove in this, was already familiar with the second turtle dove, as noted in the book of Jeremiah.

"Jer.1.5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...."

The greatest reassurance of all that he knows all our flaws, doubts, worries, victories, dreams, and he holds them all in the cradle of his hands. So, this Christmas is really the season to be jolly about the perfect turtle dove who paired with you and will never leave you behind.

Merry Christmas to you! From George 


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