The Eighth Day of Christmas; Eight maids are milking

On the Eighth day of Christmas my true love said to me; eight maids a milkin or rather eight Be-a-ti-tudes. I can’t believe they’ve managed to cram 3 of my favorite stuffs into one song; Christmas, love, milk, and a new entrance "Beatitudes"

The "Beatitudes" seems like a fun way to say "Blessed", but it means a little bit more than that; Webster's calls it "A State of utmost bliss".

My first presentation in church was from Mathew, Mathew 2 to be precise and I'm biased to pick Mathew's account over the other gospels. Mathew's account can be found in Mathew 5. The fact that there's eight beatitudes not ten or nineteen has made 8 my favorite number.

The "Beatitudes" is the most popular part of the sermon on the mount(we all love promises) and what excites me the most is; these promises, these state of utmost bliss is achievable here on earth.

At first glance, the traits promised to be blest don't seem to be; tell me bout "Blessed are the meek" (that could pass) but "Blessed are those who mourn?" that breaks the bank for me. There has to be a catch, If this was a movie, this is the part where I expect Jesus to break a smile and tell us he's kidding. Except, he's not.

The Beatitudes cover traits that are mostly considered foolish or painful, we hardly consider them blessed, On a good Monday morning, people mourning seem anything but "Blessed", but in regular Jesus fashion; He amazes us and tells us the truth, which is -they are.

Remember when I said there has to be a catch? Well, there is... But it's in a very different context: Most blessings in the Bible comes from a place of doing, "Honour your father and mother?" Doing, "Obey the lord your God?" also doing. But the beatitudes come from a place of being, you need no further action, you are blessed just by being meek, a peace maker, mourning, e.t.c.

These blessings that God has chosen to bestow on us are marvellous. They are the rewards for being the way God wants us to.

You have eight blessings today and I hope you remember to read the Beatitudes and see them in a new light.

Merry Christmas from Kira Jotham๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„


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