Tenth Day of Christmas, Ten Lords a leaping

You know the popular Christmas carol that has been around for several decades which has been sung across different places spanning the seven continents in the world. Well, let me take you a bit down memory lane if you’re still finding it hard to figure out which particular carol I’m raving about. Belting out these words, 

‘’ on the first day of Christmas,

my true love gave to me

A partridge in a pear tree’’, as a thirteen-year-old at the top of her quirky voice.

That should have jiggled your memory a bit and at least made you smile. I, for one remember my English teacher’s feeble attempt to turn us into something we were not, a choir, God bless his heart. My teacher split us into groups of twelve and each group sang on the respective days. Well at the end of the rendition, it sounded like a symphony, believe me. 

But recently I found that the ‘’12 days of Christmas ‘’ had more to it than just being a carol. Apparently, it had biblical meanings and it had a Christian origin. It was just something I was glad to sing along to.

The ‘’Ten Lords a-leaping’’ represents the ten commandments in the Bible. The first set of rules that was given to the Israelites by God.

So, in the spirit of Christmas, I will be sharing how some of these commandments are vital to us as Christians despite being old. First of all, let us remember that word of God is new every day. I would be starting with ‘’you shall not murder’’. I know what you are thinking, you’re probably saying I’m not going to stab someone or kill people I don’t like. But it’s actually a lot deeper than that. I believe the words of our mouth do substantial damage to others; it ranges from gossip to backbiting to insults. These things, no matter how little they seem destroy and kill people. Of course, I don’t want you stabbing anyone but bear in mind what your tongue can do and how powerful a weapon it is.

‘’you shall not covet your neighbor’s house.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, 

Or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey,

Or anything that belongs to your neighbor.’’

I always say if you have self-control, in this context contentment there is nothing you can’t achieve. The lack of contentment breeds discord, jealousy, envy, rage, theft and in the most extreme cases, murder. As Christians, it is important to live within our means and if we need anything, we ask from God.

‘’honor your father and mother,

So that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you’’

There are a lot of things flying around the internet about bad parenting, trauma and absentees, some even abusers. Some battles aren’t ours to fight. Let us remember the greatest commandment of all which is love. God demands this of us, that we honor and respect them. Sometimes it might take extending an olive branch and opening old wounds. God is still in the business of restoring broken homes and guess what he doesn’t close for the year. Do not allow the internet or the world at large shape your view about honoring the people he put in charge of you.

On this note have a jolly Christmas and remember who the reason for the season is.

Merry Christmas from Kunlenancy 🎄🎄🎄


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