To my hurting friends

 Dearest you,

You don't have to tell me, I know you're hurting. I know that some nights you cry yourself to sleep and then post memes and jokes that you can't even laugh at but think that maybe others can laugh.

I know that sometimes you're too overwhelmed to pick my calls and I can be here crying of abandonment. Cause really, it's just us.

I know that things can be tough. I know that you sometimes think that you are too sensitive. Others won't hurt as much I hurt if it were them.

Darling, it's okay. It's okay to cry your sorrows away. I can even stand the ghosting( I actually can't stand it)

I know you haven't gotten things sorted out right now, many of us don't. I don't. 

But I hope that one day we'll make jokes on how we survived this time.

Right now, I just need you to hold on to the hope of better days. And that I love you.

Enough of all the mushiness. 

Take care ❤️


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