The time I stood up for myself

I was bullied in secondary school. Those people loved to see my tears. It made them happy. I didn't know what i did wrong. I cried for so long. Hated how I looked when before I wasn't even bothered. I hated how I talked. Those experiences birthed my talking to myself in a "sophisticated" accent in the bathroom till it became how I normally talked.

Thing is, I couldn't stand up for myself.

Fast forward to SS3 and it felt like all the laughters and insults had cooked properly within me. I could dish out painful insults too! Any jab thrown at me, I threw it back at a targeted sight. 

Someone teased me about my insecurities one day. It was beyond teasing and became insulting. I tried keeping it in. Well, I only typed out the reply to her. I told her that she looked like a bag of fat about to spill out it's contents. That wasn't the only thing I said though.

That's not the story of the day I stood up for myself.

That story goes thus;

I used to have terrible shoulder pain. It was so bad. Anyways, when I felt the pain, I would arch my back in a way that my backpack rested on my caudal vertebrae. It looked funny. 

Turns out that some guys had noticed. That day, they stood in front of our gate and when I got real close they burst into laughter. It was so obvious they were laughing at me. 

Unconsciously, I burst into laughter too. It was loud. But, it was relieving. They stopped laughing immediately. I then smiled and walked past them. 

Inside the gate, I asked myself what just happened. I said I was proud of me. They didn't bother me anymore. I had stood up for myself.

If you're being bullied or something, you can stand against it. As far as I'm concerned bullying is wrong. Yeah, mine made me know how to say "h" and speak better English but it did a lot more harm to me.

Simon Cowell of AGT and BGT said that bullies bully people who are better than them. If this is the truth, I can't say for sure. All I'm saying is just like me, please find the strength to stand up too!

You're a person not a joke.

Much love❤️


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