
 Shall We Rant: The Strings

What are strings? A certain type of people. Who are they? A string is simply a person who strings someone along with the promise of marriage, behave like a leech and after getting all that they were after, they take their leave. 

Funny thing is the amount of time they use. In their heads that need fixing, it's okay to do that. But we know that it's not okay. Right? Rightttttttt?

We all know that relationships are beautiful although, that's not the case everytime. When we see these couples we all shout "God when" even when we have our boo simply cause what's there not to like.

Thing is some people are not people but strings. So, you think that this is a person. Nahhh. It's a string.

Features of a string; Number one is that they somehow promise to marry in a way that's not straightforward. "Is it marriage you want, then I'll give it to you". This happened after you refused to send credit alert. 

Depending on how much of a string this person is, their family may or may not know you. To be honest, I remember this Yoruba Proverb; you can marry a bad person, just don't marry bad in-laws. Somewhere along those lines. 

So, normal human beings who are their family would have told them that either marry or leave the person alone.

But, a person does not exist of himself or herself so maybe his family is like let that person pay for your sister's school fees. Then, we're building this house oo. Can they drop 200 bags of cement? Your father has borrowed all he can borrow, talk to them and they'll send money.

No be wetin happen for Blood Sisters be dat?

I know that you're saying; "can't be me. Walai, I too sharp." 


Just pray that God helps you not to fall into the hands of a string.

To all the strings out there, one day, may you break.

Ire ooo.


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