

Sleep disorders are quite common. It's one of those things we don't really talk about in Nigeria except in jokes or when a crime is involved. 

Somnabolism is the sleep disorder that makes people do things while sleeping. They can cook, swim, do a lot while in that state.

It can be a scary experience for the individual and those living with them.

(I haven't watched any horror movie that has a somnabolist in it. If you have, please tell me.)

I read a book by Beloved MHC on how a man who sleepwalked was accused of some crime that appeared as though he committed them.

(JSYK: The most obvious person that commits a crime is usually not the culprit in crime novels.)

Anyways, somewhere in my heart, I refused to believe that he did it. He was a sweet guy (mind you, I have never met him cause he's a fictional character), he was rich and handsome. I just thought he was innocent but, I wasn't sure. 

I wasn't the only one who believed that he was innocent too. Even though the evidence against him seemed insurmountable.

We eventually found out who did it. And, it wasn't him.

I know people who sleepwalk. In actual life. It can be a scary experience. Really scary.

But here's what I call to mind when I'm scared. Dolapo told me that; "The same God that watches you during the day, is the same God that watches you at night."

Yeah, you may sleep walk or live with someone who does, but I trust that God can keep you safe and I pray that He will.

For all of us with sleep disorders, I can't wait for when we get to Heaven and we don't need sleep anymore.


  1. Indeed! Beautiful piece babe!
    Rich and full of such truth!


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