The Death Penalty

Nothing seems to be as controversial as the death penalty. Sometimes, arguments about it, can look like it will lead to the death of somebody. 

What's my take on the death penalty?

There are mainly two takes on the death penalty. One party is the abolitionists. You remember slave abolitionists right? Anyways, this party is something like that. They believe that the death penalty should be abolished. 

Do I think so too?

There is a part of me that believes that no one should have the right to kill another person. Not even the government. Seeing that the Heavens give life. I think that the Heavens should take a life as well. 

But what if?

Hold that thought. 

The other party believes that the death penalty should be continued. They do not think it barbaric or savage or anything that the abolitionists describe it as.

I used to camp here till I read two of John Grisham's books that talked about it. 

What happened was that in one of his books, the wrong person died for the crime. It was so painful seeing that death can not be reversed. If it was a prison sentence or something else, some form of compensation would be granted.

However, I do not think that I belong to either parties. 

On a normal note, I say NO to the death penalty. But seeing how some crimes are so evil, well I say yes.

I'm a fan of K-DRAMA. Yes, I am. And watching 'Mouse' made me realize that maybe if we tried death penalty for some crimes, those people won't kill another person again. 

I think that for the most grievous of crimes, the most grievous of punishments should be meted.

So, what's your take on death penalty. I'd really like to know yours.


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