
JSYK: I should have posted a picture of me dancing. But there's none cause the photographer will be laughing out loud and forget that he was supposed to take some shots.

Every year, two things make it to my goals. And every year, I rewrite them. One is talking less😂😂😂. I try to think I can talk less but if I talked less, I probably won't be able to write all these.

The second is to learn how to dance. Dancing has to be one of the most beautiful movements the human body can make. It's a mixture of flexibility and fluidity of motions. Flexibility, I have, fluidity, I lack. I guess that's why me dancing is a pathetic sight. 

Though, I can't dance (Shammah once said that if the fate of the world depended on my dancing, you all are doomed.) I can feel the beats in my head, in my heart and also in my spine and it's probably why I love dance. Not dancing. I once rehearsed some dance steps to Fuse ODG or Eben, I can't remember clearly. Anyways, the people who watched me dance after rehearsing all fell down laughing. That part wasn't rehearsed. It just showed that perhaps, dancing is not for me.

I didn't take heed Sha. I danced again and Shammah says it's like watching a nightmare. That girl is just mean.

On some occasions like crossover, the fact that I can't dance hits me square in the face. I can't gbe body🤧. Everyone's always so happy that they made it. It's always so beautiful to watch and enjoy.

Believe it or not, I used to have dance videos and imitated the movements cause I felt the songs.

Anyways, One of my favorite dance videos was on a talent show. It told a very heartwarming story and I never imitated their steps cause it was superb. 

From a terrible dancer❤️


  1. Alright Baby girl! You've won it!!! 🤸🤸🤸🤸Most hilarious! And definitely the besttttt blogger I know...
    Anyways, I would identify with your pain but that'd be too hard to admit... I can danceeee(in my opinion) l. Make everybody go restttttttt!🥲

    1. 😂😂😂 thank you. Gracias! Merci! Danke! Ese! Adupe

  2. Lol. Thank you, you made me smile😊


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