Pro-life or Pro-choice

Growing up, I didn't like arguments. I always thought it was loud and unnecessary. With time, I came to realise that arguments can be quiet and very necessary. Simply with the aim of proving a point.

In proving a point however, insults are unnecessary. Even if you do not agree with the other person's point of view. 

Just in case you don't understand the terms. 

Pro-life: Simply put, against abortions

Pro-choice: Simply put, in support of abortions

Thing is, with children better still babies it's always best that they are not aborted. (Remember what I said about opinions?)

Babies are humans regardless of their sizes. We can not say a bigger person is more of a person because of their size. Same way we should not say that because at some stage babies are microscopic, they are not humans. Size is not a factor to be considered in determining the humanity of a being. Rather being human comes from being conceived by humans.

Fine, there are extenuating circumstances like incest, rape amongst other evils, but let's face facts. Statistics have it that about 10% of abortions are as a result of the above-mentioned reasons. 

What about the 90%? 

That's my concern. Many people abort because they can. Not because they have to. However, I believe they do not have the right to do so. Simply because the baby is not them. What I find amusing is that the State could try a person for attempted suicide and not for murdering a baby. 

Babies are not part of the human body. They are cells, tissues, organs and organ systems different from the body housing it. They are welcome aliens to the body and the body acts as a host. This is why when their stay is extended beyond usual, help is called for.

Yes, your body is the house. But the baby is different from you. You wouldn't like to be forcefully ejected simply because your Landlord could. 

As regards unwanted pregnancies, there are alternatives. Adoption happens to be one of the main solutions. 

I am pro-life because in my opinion, it is what is right. 

Thank you🤗


  1. You forgot to distinguish between the abolitionist and the pro-life movement. The former provides a holistic platform to end this across board

    1. Actually, I didn't forget. I didn't know about them🤧. I'll make more research and all that. Thank you


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