Picking Yourself Up

 It's a bad thing to fall. Well, except falling in love. And, it can be really painful, especially when there's no one to help you up. You're tempted to remain there but nahh, you've got to get up.

Thing is, I'm really familiar with falling. I'm so familiar with the cold of the ground and the surrounding almost obvious nothingness. 

Sometimes, we know when we're about to fall and try to avoid falling, and sometimes we even succeed. But, other times, we don't. It's more painful when we make the effort to keep on standing and just like a pack of cards, we are on the floor again.

This post is more about what happens after falling. Since, I'm familiar with falling, I can give you a few tips that can be helpful.

First, it's okay to stay on the ground and gather your strength. Most likely, it's not an immediate reaction to stand up. You can cry about falling or laugh about it. It's okay. Just make the effort to stand up and actually stand up 🌟

There's usually one person or people who can help you up. Reach out to them to help you up. They can't know that you need lifting if you don't tell them. 

Your fall may be more common than you think. Whether it's depression or something else. Trust me, if we should have a community based on our issues, membership would be large. What this means is that you're not alone.

Lastly and most importantly, you are loved. Definitely not by everyone. But the people who love you, love you. 

Love and Light💖&💫 


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