Do twins possess supernatural powers 😊?

 I love twins. I think you do as well. Let's just say everyone loves twins. Well, not everyone. Thanks to Logic. 

Thing is inasmuch as we love twins, there are some people who don't and consider twins as an anomaly. They believe that twins signify doom and disaster. Sounds unbelievable right especially after Mary Slessor's wins? But, you can check it out.

I visited an uncle who is a twin and he said fascinating stories of how the birth of twins brought about good luck and  fortune to a family. Also how if they agree to punish a person, they could send a scorpion to that person. Do I believe all of that? Make a guess.

Anyways, those can be debateable facts. But, here's a fact that is not debateable. Zygosity. It may refer to the similarities and differences between the DNA of twins. Believe it or not, no matter how identical they are, there can be differences which may be subtle in their DNA.

Another fact is that the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria record the highest birth of twins worldwide. Did I mention that I am proud to be Yoruba? 

Now, if you're given a choice to pick between being a twin and having twins what will your option be?


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