Bride Price

 Disclaimer: The thoughts of AbujaAjebo are not always mine. They are hers. So, whatever you see here, it's the work of AbujaAjebo.

I hated the idea of Bride Price when I was growing up. It felt like I was going to be sold. Then, I found out that in my culture, which is one of the reasons that I'm very proud to be Yoruba (what tribe did you think I was from?) that bride Price is usually returned to the groom. It is just paid so that, the bride's family will know that he can afford to take care of the Bride.

If I could do cartwheels, I'm pretty sure I would have don't that at that moment. I was like, that's so smart. Wow! Interesting.

AbujaAjebo however, presupposes that there should be two bride Price. One for the bride's family. One for the bride herself. The one for her family may be returned. But, the one for the bride is for keeps. 

She figured that it would make a lot of sense for a woman to be compensated for all she's gonna do in the marriage.

Bear in mind that these are the thoughts of AbujaAjebo. Should we do another episode so she'll explain her points clearly?


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