Of Airplane Mode and Airplanes

You know how they say tiny things can cause big things. Like how a little hole can sink a ship. Anyways, same thing applies to airplanes and ship. With how big airplanes are, a small thing like a cellphone can cause a huge damage to it. 


First of, there are a lot of things that putting your phone on airplane mode can do. You can preserve your battery life. Avoid calls. End calls that you don't want to keep on going. Not that I advise you to do that anyways.

The Airplane Mode and Emergency calls do have a unique relationship. It appears that the phone does receive a signal that an emergency call is about to be made and it turns of the airplane mode so the call can be made.

 The reason why phones are to be turned off or put on airplane mode while on a flight is simply because, they can mess with signals that the pilot is receiving. And you may get lost in the air. 

Turning on your phone's data in some airplanes under certain jurisdictions can earn you a fine. And who knows, maybe one can sleep in jail for it.

On your next trip by air, you can take pictures and ensure that your phone is put off or on airplane mode. You would be saving lives. And what else can make you feel as a superhero?


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