In Control

When "God you don't need me but somehow you want me..."  blew, I collected the song from someone and some other songs. This song was one of them. So one day or night, I was playing the songs and I got to this one. I was so pissed because what I wanted to listen to wasn't it. 

Some time passed and I listened to it with patience. I loved it. Loved it. It's a song that talks about God being in Control no matter what. God being Sovereign. How He is the Beginning, not that He began or is about to begin but He is the Beginning. How God can not end, nor is He about to end because He is the End.

There were seasons in my life that I  needed to be reminded who is in Control. I still need that reassurance now and then, so when I listen to this song, I am reminded of the Sovereignty of God. Hope it's the same for you.

This chorus steadily reminds me of who is Lord of all. Though the seas are raging(wherever it is raging), you will speak and tame them, in you I find my rest, you are in control. 

Like our parents, when we were young, they'll tell us to sit there and we dare not move(maybe some of you did dare it). Anyways, their actions showed who was in control. It's the same with God, He does whatever He pleases with no respect for anyone's opinion. That's who God is. Sovereign. He is Sovereign. He is in Control.

Hope you find rest in the fact that God is in Control.


  1. Man. This is one of the realities that always keep me confident. I'm always sure that God is in control for real.

    It's the best thing; you won't be unnecessarily anxious or develop mental health issues.

    1. Likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  2. He's in control 🀸🏽🀸🏽


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