Jesus stops the storm

This song gives me hope. It makes me think that the One who is watching over me is all-powerful and can do anything. He can do anything for me. Like seriously, anything.

When I first got to secondary school things were a bit rough for me. One day while on the school bus, stuff happened and I was crying so hard. You know the type of tears that you think will never stop rolling. Amidst the tears, I said I'll cry till I get home that day. Everyone kept on laughing. 

But there was this guy. Habeeb. He swore that he would make me laugh before he dropped down. At first, it seemed so impossible. Because the tears were so much. And I felt he would give up on me so easily but he didn't.

He started making jokes. And I started smiling. But I hid it from him anyway. Till I started laughing. Laughing loud. And he said he did it.

There was this feeling I had. That one that tells you that you're important to someone who isn't obliged to make you feel important. He could have just ignored me like the others but he chose to make me smile.

I see it as how life is. Sometimes, things get so bad for us but there is someone who is always there for us. He'll orchestrate things that make you hopeful. Like that song, your phone started playing. Or that time someone tells you you are loved. It is not a cliche He can do anything.

Sometimes, we expect God to do something for us and He doesn't. When Jesus was in the boat with his disciples his presence did not avert the storm. In other words, we can not avoid problems. But Jesus stopped the storm! He stopped it! He stopped the storm!

Jesus may not always do things the way we expect Him to because let's face it, His ways are not our ways. But He can do anything.

If you have watched the Jailer, you may recall the scene where the children were singing the song for a man in prison who was their teacher. The song brought hope to the man and those children firmly believed that Jesus could do anything for them. 

The song is a message of hope. No matter how bad things are, there is someone who will do anything for you. Not just anybody but the One that is above everyone. So relax. Chill. He can do anything.

Going through the Bible and I see Jesus saying that, I have the power to lay down my life and take it and I'm like Oh my God! This power is too much. That's God. He can do anything. 


  1. Man. This blog always gives me the right Word I need. Thanks for writing this. I feel and know better ๐Ÿงก.

  2. Amazing writeup ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ


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