The King of Dreams- Joseph

If dreams had a face, it would be that of Joseph. The story of Joseph and his dreams are inspiring and awesome. Thing is, this is the same thing with our stories we just never see it that way. 

As a favorite child, he enjoyed his position and was well pampered. His mother died early and I don't think it affected him because Father Jacob(Israel) was loving up on him. 

From trusting his brothers (we all trust our siblings) to trusting God to take care of him, Joseph exhibited great faith. Faith that God knows everything better than he does or ever will. So, he held on to the One holding his tomorrow even though he did not know what his tomorrow held. 

Joseph's trust in God can be likened to that of a newborn and it's mother. Absolute trust that this being will keep it safe no matter what happens. It takes a deep level of trust to believe God is working things out for good. That even when you don't understand, you'll still trust him. 

I think that Joseph's ability to trust also made him trustworthy. People were always giving him responsibilities with the assurance that he would do them. From his father to Potiphar to the Prison Warden, they all trusted Joseph and he did not fall their hand. He who trusts can be trusted.

The second significant lesson I learnt from the life of Joseph was Forgiveness. That word. So many meanings and memories. I tried seeing Joseph's brothers through his eyes while watching the cartoon clip and I shed a few tears. Betrayal hurts. 

When Joseph was granted the opportunity to even things out with his brothers, he forgave. And I must say with great difficulty because he wept aloud and embraced them. He probably knew that the only way to heal properly was by forgiving. 

Forgiveness lets me understand that God is love to an extent. When we know God, we know love in it's purest form. When we know love, we know forgiveness just like Joseph and his brothers.

It may be very difficult and tears may accompany your forgiveness but trust God and forgive.

Let go and Let God. 

Love you😘😘😘


  1. You get. This story of Joseph was an exemplar of totally trusting God's faithfulness.

    Like you said: the forgiveness part is what we also must exhibit in our lives.

    This really edified me. I anticipate your next content. Thanks for writing this.


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