Jehovah Sees

God is God. That's all. Nahhhhh. Far from that. Today we're seeing that God sees. Nice intro right? 

God sees. What does that mean? It means that the one in charge of the universe ain't blind. He sees you. He sees me. 

How does He see you? He sees you as a major character. He sees you as someone He died for. He sees you with love and that love is what makes us worthy. He sees you. All of you. All that is you even your innermost thoughts. In other words, your value to God is not dependent on how important you are to other people. Being a slave does not make you unimportant ask Hagar. She'll tell you. After all, she's the one who first called God El-Roi.

He sees all those fake faces and bravado and sees beyond them even to the innermost thoughts of your heart. God sees. 

The book of Psalm says even if I run to the depths of hell to hide from you, you'll still find me. Damn!

Still delving further, when we say God sees it also means that He sees the bad things we do. He sees them all. And whatever we do, we can run but we can not hide because there is nowhere that he cannot be. 

God sees everything.

So ta ta peopleπŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹. Till next Sunday.


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