Happy new monthhhhhhhhhhhhhh. When last was I this excited to wish you all a happy new month. 

Anyways today's topic is a summary of all we've done since January. You didn't know right.

A- Adaptation: I enjoyed writing this so much because it felt like I was giving people tips on how to survive this season. The truth is that we can't be given more than what we can handle. And as such no matter what happens we'll handle it well because we are made to adapt.

P- Perfection: God is perfect. His character is perfect and what He does is perfect. Have you seen me?🙈 He's so perfect and He's holy. He can make us as holy as he is. 

P- Praise: Shebi I just told y'all that God is perfect. Don't you think He deserves praise for that alone? Well, I do. He's so good. I mean look at you. God made you so beautiful. Look at the sky, God's canvas of grace. Oya let somebody shout hallelujah. Hallelujah.

R-Rapture: "I want to walk on the streets of gold like the way I've been told." Like I said that day, the only ways to go to Heaven is by death or rapture. You can't go if you are not fit to go there. Heaven can not harbor people that will cause fights shey you get. 

E- Everywhere: Where is God? Everywhere. It may not always feel like it but He is everywhere. Just look at those flowers and tell me you don't see God's beauty in them. God is with you even when you don't see Him.

C-Custody: Who's custody are you in? Who's in charge of your life? The best custody to be in is that of God. And you know what? If you are not in His custody you are...(how do we put it? Wahala for who no dey God's custody)

I- In-Control: When my heart is doing gbish gbish because of some situations and I play In-Control by Hillsong I find rest. It may not be once(it is never just once when I need to listen to it. Let's just say I'm addicted to the best things of life). My Daddy, God is the one in control so why should I fear? 

A- Ascent: To ascend infers that you were once at the bottom point. We've all been there and some of us are there right now. When I listen to some songs and I feel like God is affirming His love I don't feel so bad for being in the valley. I mean He comes running to shadow you through the night. Can you imagine the Almighty God, The creator of all things including lions and crocodiles running just to comfort you? So wherever you are don't forget, God's got you.

T- Trust: What I found to be funny was how the week I picked abi posted this was when I was hearing a lot about trusting in God. That weekend I attended a meeting where God's faithfulness was being explored. It dawned on me that most times we are the unfaithful ones yet He remains faithful. Why? Because He can't change. That's more reason to trust Him abi.

E-Entitlement: The lesson I was trying to teach was that we should be grateful. Grateful for the little things. The birds that chirp. The fragrance of flowers. The sun. And big things. Like how we can't compare God to anything because He is too big for comparison.

So APPRECIATE God in your life. He loves you so much. Baba died for you. He gave all He has just to have you and for that alone He deserves praise. 

I love you but God loves you enough to die for you. ❤💕💖


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