

Why is trust the title of today's post? 

One day I was listening to one of "my" songs. I had this app that had the lyrics as well. I was actually singing "my" own song because the lyrics were to my surprise the song actually said; when I trust you I don't need to understand. I was like hollup. Wait a minute. Did I just see what I saw? I couldn't even remember what it was that I sang when I sang that part but I know it was ridiculous.

Who do I think I should trust? Obviously God. God is the one who we should trust. Bevaue He's in control and His power can not be denied. His ability to be all that we need Him to be is mindblowing. If you let Him Father you, you'll love Him more. If you let Him counsel you, you'll be the wisest person. And if you let him defend you, He will be Olugbeja mi. If you let Him be whatever you need Him to be for you, you'll never regret it.

God has several titles and He is the only one who can carry out those functions best. This morning, I was brainstorming with a friend on God's attributes. We got to God as a Father and we said that God gives us direct access to Himself. He's our Father, the Father of our parents making us and our parents siblings. When you get it...

Learn to trust God to carry you through and He will.


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