
I feel like starting up a chant. It goes this way:
Call: Who's in control?
Response: God is.
Call: Who's in control?
Response: God is.
Call: Who's in control?
Response: God is.
Call: What?
Response: God is in control of everything.

Okay, chill out. 

Sometimes, we forget that someone is in charge. We get overwhelmed at the moment and forget God. Or maybe think the worst of Him.

When I first started secondary school, it wasn't so rosy. For some reason I was weird. I don't know for them, Sha. One day I made a wrong decision and everyone laughed at me for it. But there was one guy. He made me laugh.

When he said what he was going to do I told him to flat out that I couldn't laugh. Couldn't he see my tears? But he insisted.

He started making silly jokes and all. At first, the laughter was just a smile. Then it grew and grew to full-blown laughter and he just said he won.

God bless him.

I forgot about that whole scenario till sometime recently. The fact that we don't see a light at the end of the tunnel does not mean that there is no light. We can get to the end of the tunnel and just as we jump out in the darkness, the light comes like the dawning of a new day.

I don't know your story but I trust the author of my story. I trust that He is in control no matter what comes our way.

When it looks like we're in a storm (literally or figuratively), our hope should hinge on the fact that God is always in control. He's always in charge of the situation. 


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