
 Heyyyyyyy. Happy Sunday to you💖

This topic has been appearing and reappearing everywhere. I used to think that Haba na what did we do? But then I also started seeing things. Thanks to a little research.

One time in my life like that I was researching how to get happier with life or something like that. I can't remember what it was. Anyways, I wrote down the lessons and the most important one was to Lose the entitlement syndrome. Stop feeling entitled. In the words of the writer of that article. The universe owes you nothing. It doesn't owe you your parents or whatever is it that you have but do not appreciate. Sho get e?

I was like my chest ooooh💔💔💔💔. So what do I get entitled to? Nothing. It means that whatever we have, we are not entitled to it. 

My Dad used to say that it is not by hard work that a person becomes successful because if it were by hard work those people breaking rocks would be so successful. But is hard work a bad thing? Not at all.

All I am saying in essence is that be grateful for all you have because it isn't all you do that brought what you have. Please don't misquote me. I'm saying be grateful. You are not the only reason things are working the way they are for you. Whether you believe me or not there are more hardworking people than you who don't succeed as well as you.

I know some of you think that you made yourself beautiful or smart or whatever it is you base your pride on. You did not arrange the bones on your face. You did not plant the hair on your head or face. You did not give yourself brain.  You may have added to the development of the things you have but you did not make them.

The thing is we do not deserve whatever it is that we have. It's all by Grace. There are so many problems people have. And we should count ourselves as people who have received mercy because we don't have such issues. Being alive is one. The ability to feel pain is another. If we continue the list we won't end the blog today.

Today, I want you to thank God. Thank God profusely because you have received mercy even though you are not entitled. 

Words are not plenty in my mouth these days so just bear with me.

Thank you 💐💐💐


  1. Great post!
    Its by His grace fam

  2. "The thing is we do not deserve whatever it is that we have. It's all by Grace."

    That caught me🥺.

    Thanks for writing this. More ink!


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