The Second Day of Christmas
"On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree"
We made it to Day two. Thank God.
"The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God. For through the Word were all things made. Not one thing came into being without Him"
The two testaments. Old and new. Isn't it amazing that we get 66 books written for us? The author had you in mind when writing it. He knew the situations you would face and He already provided the solutions for you. For instance, when we are downcast and we turn to God's word, we hear Him speaking His love to us. Assuring us that His love just like Him lasts forever. This word is alive. His word is flawless. His word lasts forever. It makes one wise.
FACT OF THE DAY: Originally, "Hark! How the Welkin rings!" were the lyrics for the much loved "Hark! The Herald Angels sing tune. Welkin meaning Heaven.
The two testaments offer us a glimpse to see God just like Moses. But we get to different sides of God. We see God as a Just God and Father punishing His children who err. We see Him providing for needs. We see Him protecting us in ways beyond our imaginations. Think I'm kidding? Biblically, God used hailstones on his enemies, and in Sodom and Gomorrah, he rained down fire from heaven on them. What does that sound like to you? To me, that sounds pretty much like bombs. Yup! The good Lord created those weapons of mass destruction. His Angels carried swords from the beginning, and his war with Lucifer was the first-ever.
In the same vein, God is also ridiculously merciful, I mean compared to the old testament man of war, we can almost say the Jehovah we have today is different, maybe because Jesus is the Prince of Peace. I mean, for a God who took Israel away from Saul and sentenced him and his children to a gruesome death for disobedience, who caused the war in David's household because of fornication, and split his kingdom into two between Rehoboam and Jeroboam, for that God to watch as the world today unfolds without doing us all in is not just spectacular, it is a miracle in itself. You reading this, you liar! Backbiter! Fornicator! Whatever you are, know that in the old testament you'd probably be dead lol. But thankfully, our father is evolutionary, and he is willing to judge us equitably, so thank God for that Patridge, and don't forget to take your turtle doves to church, merry Christmas in advance.