International Girl's Day
Hello people. Tomorrow is International Girls Day and I'm proud to be celebrated. Boys, your turn may come.
Anyways, if you know any lady which I'm sure you do, tell her she's beautiful. You can start with me. I really don't mind.
Being a girl child is an experience like no other. There's the; "am I too fat" or the "this dress is so beautiful but it makes me look😶" there's also the "I'm the most beautiful girl in the world"and all and all. I still remember when I used to argue that I should be called a lady and not a girl😂. The things that have come out of my mouth.
But for some, the experience ain't that rosy. Let's start with the famous Malala. Girls were really really subjugated in Pakistan and she was shot at in a bus just because she was going to school. For the girls out there struggling to get educated by all means but are being discriminated against, there's still hope for you. You're a shine. Or better still borrowing the words of a wordsmith I know, "beauty is a you".
There are those girls who have learnt that being female means being a sex object. And whether or not you want it, you get it. It's really sad. There's so much hurt and sadness and most times, you do not have the power to use your voice. But you are not silent baby girl. You're still alive. Find your voice if you lost it. Use your voice when you find it and never stop using it.
Lastly, for the Chibok girls, I'm really sorry that sometimes I don't think about you. I'm sorry the world has to go on while yours revolves around pain in all its diversity. I'm still carrying your banner in my heart and I'm waiting for the day you get to be welcomed back. Things won't be the same, but definitely it would be better than now.
Happy International Girls' Day people!🥰🌹